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5 Advantages of a Wedding in the Autumn-Winter Season

It’s July – the wedding season is in full swing. Couples are frantically searching for vendors, worrying that they’ve once again exceeded their budget, and guests, upon receiving yet another invitation, can already see the disappearing sums from their bank accounts. Not the most appealing scenario… but it doesn’t have to be this way. Below, I outline 5 reasons why it’s worth organizing a wedding in the autumn-winter season to avoid unnecessary stress.

  1. Greater Availability of Vendors Take it easy! In the summer season, to book your dream venue, photographer, or florist, you need to start planning at least 2 years in advance – and sometimes even that isn’t enough. When you constantly hear, “Unfortunately, we have no available dates,” frustration and stress build up. To reduce your stress, focus on less popular dates, and you’ll definitely find a glamour wedding venue or unique wedding location more available, giving you the power to choose the dates instead of the other way around 🙂
  2. Big Savings Everyone knows that demand affects prices. Outside the hot wedding season (May-September), prices for the same services are significantly lower. This means more money in your pocket for your honeymoon 🙂
  3. A Unique Honeymoon Speaking of honeymoons, is there anything more wonderful than traveling to a hot country when it’s freezing in Poland? It’s a fantastic opportunity to start your married life and recharge your batteries. What’s more, many travel agencies offer very attractive deals during this period.
  4. Special Attractions Many couples ask me about original attractions for their guests. The autumn-winter season is the perfect time to surprise everyone. How about a sleigh ride from the church to the reception hall or greeting guests with mulled wine instead of champagne? A fantastic option for both adults and children is organizing a bonfire.
  5. Guests It’s no secret that a wedding is an expensive event not only for the organizers but also for the guests. As mentioned in the introduction, during the busy wedding season, invited guests often have to decline due to the number of weddings they’re attending. By organizing your wedding in the fall or during a beautiful snowy winter, you’ll have a better chance that your closest friends and family will attend your celebration.

I hope I’ve at least slightly encouraged you to consider organizing a wedding in the winter season. If you’re still unsure and have questions, feel free to contact me: aleksandra@dworafrodyta.pl and I’m sure we’ll find the perfect date for you <3

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